Virus free age of zombies season 2
Virus free age of zombies season 2

virus free age of zombies season 2

  • Plucky Comic Relief: The most joking and upbeat of the Abel runners, and ends up in the limelight for a number of the more lighthearted side missions.
  • OOC Is Serious Business: During a mission following a major victory for the villain and the death of one of his friends, he turns very cynical and almost suicidally reckless.
  • It really gives the impression of someone being eaten alive by guilt.
  • Jerkass Woobie: His early appearances in Season Three really cement him as this: he alternates wildly back and forth between cursing Abel for turning on him, trying to insist what he did was justified, and admitting that his actions were monstrous.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: At the end of Season 3, Simon takes Runner Five's place on Moonchild's mind control machine, destroying it at the cost of his life as an act of redemption.
  • It doesn't take and he winds up being a major ally for Season 3 and winds up sacrificing himself to save the day at the very end. Tries to spend most of Season 3 trying to justify his actions or trying to embrace being a selfish prick.
  • Heel Realization: At the end of Season 2.

    Also his skin tends to come in after the rest of the flesh a few hours after the damaged is regrown. He had to keep carving off pieces of his face to get it to heal properly. Anesthetic doesn't work and just makes his healing hurt even worse. Healing Factor: With the help of Van Ark, of course.He spent the first two-thirds of Season 3 looking horrible as he was literally partially eaten.

    virus free age of zombies season 2

    Which was right when his Healing Factor decided to kick in. Driven to Suicide: After the end of Season 2, he just laid down and let the zombies eat him.Death Equals Redemption: What he hopes will happen when he lets himself get fried in Runner Five's place.Just don't ask him to do any of his impressions. Gung-ho, quick with a gag and quicker on his feet, Simon's never afraid to put himself in a dangerous situation in order to get the job done. We Hardly Knew Ye: Yang is only in one or two episodes before dying trying to help Paula in the season four premiere.

    Virus free age of zombies season 2